Entries by Marietta

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Soft skills are very important in the business world, and etiquette is an integral part of it. Excellent soft skills can positively differentiate someone over others with comparable technical skills. Imagine that your company has a formal business dinner with a potential new client. Your staff member was asked to participate as well. He arrived […]

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Love with the greatest of ease

When we fall in love we walk on clouds. Our hearts beat faster as soon as we see the person who holds our affections. Life sometimes seems to stop, but sometimes it spirals out of control too. Butterflies swirl around in our bellies and make us feel drunk with all the happiness we feel. Our […]

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Verlorene Momente

Vorurteile gegenüber unseren Mitmenschen sind schnell gefasst. Egal ob im Arbeits- oder Berufsleben. Wir stecken andere Menschen gerne in eine Schublade, um uns sicherer im Umgang mit Ihnen zu fühlen. Dadurch können wir die immer komplexere und undurchsichtigere Welt um uns herum besser einschätzen und … Man macht es sich somit leichter, Menschen zu beurteilen, […]