
Happiness is a very powerful word.

Happiness is something we all desire, yet it is often said to be difficult to achieve.

But is it really?

Happiness is achieved in living a well-rounded life. Harmony, self-acceptance, fostering positive relationships, being a part in something bigger and making a difference are important stepping stones on our journey to happiness.

It starts in our homes. Having a balanced, peaceful and warm place to call home will give us the safe haven we are looking for. Life will be less stressful and crazy if we have a home that gives us comfort and safety. Less clutter and prioritized responsibilities will free up valuable time we can use to live the life we want to live. Simplicity is the key! In looking at our lives and making everything less complicated and complex so much more freedom will be there for us.

Self-acceptance is often based on our self-image. Exercise and a healthy diet can certainly help. When we feel comfortable in our skin and in our clothes our happiness will increase. One benefit of hiring a trainer is that you have someone in your corner to help you set goals and follow up on your progress. The motivation will be a lot higher than without this support system.

“A great relationship is like bread. It needs to be baked new every single day.”

Meeting people and developing new relationships into strong long-term ones is a daunting task for many. It takes effort and time to have a strong social circle. Studies list social relationships as a primary reason for happiness. Excellent social skills and etiquette will make it a lot easier and more enjoyable for everybody involved to build great relationships from the relationships we have with clients to our friends to dating and marriage.

Giving back and being a part of something bigger will give us the fulfillment of being connected with others and our planet. Any kind of kind gesture, charity or donation will make a difference. Kindness has a ripple effect. When we are kind to others, they will be kind to others and so on. It will make our world a better and friendlier place to live in.

Living in style is within your reach! Act now!

Marietta Stuhlfelder, 2020


“Carpe diem”

Since childhood I have loved these words. They contain so much power, beauty and wisdom. “Carpe diem” is Latin and translates to “Seize the day”. To me, these words are a reminder to make the best of each day and to be the best person I can possibly be. As a role model, I want to inspire and enrich the lives of others.

Happiness is a journey and not a goal. It is a journey full of surprises and adventures. There is sunshine and there is rain. But in the end it is all worth it. I believe that happiness is possible for everybody and in achieving happiness our world will be a better and more peaceful place to live in.

Strong social relationships are the number one source of happiness in humans.

Most of us love to be around and with others. So why don’t we perfect our social skills and find happiness on the way?

In the German language we have the expression“ feiner Herr”(perfect gentleman) and “elegante Dame” (elegant lady) which mean that a person has mastered social graces. Whatever the situation, you will know how to handle yourself gracefully and with dignity. Social graces comprise etiquette,  good manners, poise, posture, social dancing, image and the skill of conversation.

Social grace is the sum of good manners and behavior to make human interactions smooth and pleasant. Consideration, Trust, Respect, Truth, Fairness are cherished values and principles exemplified through good etiquette. They are essential for a friendly and peaceful world.

Good relationships will make you happier and feel more accepted. Isn’t it wonderful to make somebody else smile? How do you feel when someone else is nice to you? Soft skills will help you interact with others in a better and more successful way and are a gateway to a more fulfilled and enriched life. They are the foundation for building excellent relationships with others.

“Seize the day” and enjoy your journey through life!

Marietta Stuhlfelder, 2020